Filippo Fontana


Personal projects

🏟️ Stadium concept

Stadium is a Computer Graphics project developed as an Android app with OpenGLES. It’s just a really basic application that just shows a rotating stadium with a soccer field and, if the user taps two times the screen, the stadium starts dissecting and shows a field exchange between two fields (soccer and basketball). After that, the other field is showed and the user can repeat the same operations as before in a infinite loop. You can see a demo in this video .
The code base is written in Java and the main Android Development Guidelines are respected.
For other information, there is the project’s repository .

Python Load Balancer

Python Load Balancer is a Python application and an alpha version of a distributed system. A sort of backbone for more complex scenarios. The whole system consists in a centralized authority (e.g. a Raspberry Pi) which can distribute work in a fair way among the available worker nodes (e.g. ESP32 boards), in the current network, thanks to a load balancer. The load balancer is a Python algorithm, the communication between the entities is made through the MQTT and HTTP protocols.
The aim is to provide an interaction between users and the fair load balancer through a web application. With this web interface, users can choose a task that will be executed on the available worker nodes and then see its execution, in real time, on the workers.

🕵️‍♂️ Reservation-Ninja

This is a web application that I have developed with my fellow Gabriele Mattioli . This project was born due to Covid-19: our University started asking students to provide classroom reservations (that have to be booked every morning) in order to join lectures.
Of course, as with any developer, our laziness was stronger than our sense of duty, then we created a python script which daily reserves, autonomously, the given classrooms. Our open source soul guided us and we shared this tool through a web application developed in Django called Reservation Ninja , which now counts more than 60 registered users (obviously, no computer scientist 😅). That’s it.

💻 Machine Learning Analysis

This university project analyzes the CIFAR-10 dataset and also applies on it some machine learning methodologies based on samples classification. In order to get a deeper view of the project, I suggest you to check the GitLab page.

🍴 Spoon Corner

A prototype of a Django web application for restaurants. With Spoon Corner, you can manage the restaurant menu and the orders placed online by customers. Customers can review the different dishes and see their order history. There is also a naive implementation of a recommendation system.

📷 PhotoAlbum

PhotoAlbum is a Java offline application. It manages a local photo album that contains different galleries which are made of photos. Galleries can be protected with a password. Photos can be displayed individually or through a random slideshow.

🔓 PDF-Unsecured

This is a simple Python script which removes a password set to a collection of PDFs. A typical use-case scenario is to remove the password from the protected material of a University course.

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